na foine ting

Sunday, October 09, 2005
Well, we got them loaded and off onto the truck. Everything. Go figure.

Bec did most of the work in the 3 hours I napped around dawn; it was like the packing fairies came or something. I was despairing of finishing, I go to sleep, I wake up, it's mostly done.

She... is amazing.


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Shawn and Lili chillin' while we pack. Shawn watched both kids for ages, and it was a huge, huge help. He got hired. So did Tim. It just... rocks.

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Halfway done...

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Pam and the kids came over and hung out while we finished up this morning. Pam is wonderful.

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Gavin, Ian and Quynn, one last time.

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And we finally get them packed at the last possible moment and... the crates go away.

~hugs~ Now take a deep breath and relax.

love and hugs and wishes for safe travels from Lee and I.

And Izzy sends licks.
Be careful, Be safe, Be smart, Be alert. . . did I miss anything? Oh yeah, Be prepared. I hate to say it but that really does come in handy.
Man but those pictures of packing crates bring back scads of memories! Here's hoping it's a smooth move, nothing gets broken and the unpacking faries visit on the other end!
ah crap! time flew by and we didn't get a chance to say goodbye! or return your tupperware that held some yummy shepherd's pie...oops.

big hugs to everyone and good luck, hopefully our paths will cross again.
Take it from someone who's moved a lot--you get used to it. Of course, maybe it's just easier for me because I rarely make any friends where ever I move, so there's none of those painful goodbyes.
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